Friday, July 16, 2010

Danny Glix Artworks

Today, in a moment of morose strangeness, I searched for 'meaninglessness existence' in google images search, so amongst other interesting results, I was guided to the flickr account of artist Danny Glix. He has a very unique motto :)

"I struggle with the meaninglessness of existence, and I value cosmic wonder / speculative theory of ultimate empirical purpose, as a worthwhile endeavor. Hobbies include tripping hard and playing with claydough, also staying indoors"

Huff, maybe because he used the word of 'meaninglessness of existence' in his motto, hence my searched results also includes his flickr link. Alright, let's talk about him for a moment...*I've already seen his work around the web before since I am an avid reader of art blogs, so it must be discussed right? :p.

Danny Glix flickr contains many trippy sketches. I think all of them are his artworks because many of it used 'Glix' watermark, but there are also some works of collaboration mixed in. His sketches use a variety of colors, bold and bright, and illustrate freedom and humanity. Hmm, no wonder if he has a motto that involves 'meaninglessness of existence' words :).

The art really spoke to me, and has a definite sense of existential overdose. Well, some people may not like it, but I am a fan :p. He showcases works about aliens, and purpose for the world. There are funny machines for dissecting aura from the populace and crazy stuff I could never dream of. He has weird alien creatures and spatial texture patterns. this is definitely the works of either a madman, or someone from the future who has returned in a time machine. Check it out if you want to send your brain on a spiral of confusion and a trippy visual stimulation.

Okay, that is the story about 'meaninglessness of existence' and Danny Glix...* I will definitely be sharing some of his work on my other blog which is more related to art :p.

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Thanks! ^_^